The Tsave Tsavo restoration initiative undertook the first step in developing a sustainable rangelands option by inviting
the SAVORY HUN South Africa to hold a stakeholder’s induction conference at the Sarova Whitesands Hotel to appraise
the key actors on the potential of Holistic Grazing as a management and restoration tool, the PS State Department of
Livestock Development gave the following remarks as he closed the event
“Dear range-land actors and stakeholders,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As you may be aware, the communities living around the Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania (SOKNOT) landscape
continue to face increased threat to food and nutritional security due to, among others, increased human-wildlife
conflict and poor agricultural production practices.
You may also know of the existence of the Tsave Tsavo and SOKNOT Landscape Restoration Program which aims to
restore a transboundary landscape that covers 13 Kenyan Counties and 6 Tanzanian Provinces, a total area of
approximately 400,000 square kilometers.
The program looks at developing a holistic and Multisectoral approach to the restoration of the landscape.
It focuses on four key pillars

  1. The livelihoods/cultural/heritage pillar
  2. The water towers/water catchment pillar
  3. The Bluescapes/hydrological pillar
  4. The rangelands/ASALs pillar – which has been the focus of this 2-day conference.
    I am happy to note that the process of developing the national pilot for rangelands mitigation is being guided by the
    Savory Institute using the acclaimed Holistic Management and Planned Grazing Methodology which is transforming
    landscape using livestock in Southern Africa.
    The Ministry acknowledges the support that World Wildlife Fund (WWF) – Kenya continues to provide, including the
    facilitation to visit the Africa Centre for Holistic Management (ACHM) and also farms in South Africa that practice the
    said methodology.
    I note with appreciation the support of the Tsavo Block Ranches in facilitating the participation of consultants from the
    Savory Institute so that we can start developing the Holistic Management & Planned Grazing program.
    I acknowledge the efforts and commitment of the spectrum of stakeholder-institutions, including public and the private
    sector players, towards development of a Holistic Management and Planned Grazing program which is tailor-made to
    suit the said transboundary landscape.
    The presence of all of us here today is a clear testimony of this commitment.
    I note with satisfaction the plans to convene an international conference where the national pilot for rangelands
    mitigation will be subjected to the policy makers, the public and scientists for peer review.
    I am told that the expected outputs from the conference will be, among others, to backstop the restoration activities, to
    consolidate the gains made by various stakeholders, to update policy players, and to guide the development of a
    scientifically informed way forward on Holistic Management and Planned Grazing.
    The Ministry will be looking forward to this national pilot on rangelands mitigation, as agreed during the visioning
    conference held here in Mombasa last year.
    As I end my remarks, let me reiterate the Ministry’s commitment to continue offering the necessary support towards
    the development and operationalization of a Holistic Management and Planned Grazing program for Kenya, including
    the development of a Holistic Management and Planned Grazing training centre.
    Once more ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take this opportunity to thank:
  5. The consultants and trainers from the Savory Institute. It is my hope that this is the beginning of a great and fruitful
    working relationship moving forward.
  6. The Tsavo Block Ranches for facilitating the participation of consultants from the Savory Institute and for providing
    the land needed to set up the grazing pilot.
  7. All institutions that were represented in this conference.

Thank you for finding time to participate in this important Conference.
I hope that you had fruitful deliberations.