Tsave Tsavo Technical Teams Retreat
Taita Hills Sanctuary
The Retreat Report
Scope of project
The Tsave Tsavo Technical principle secretaries under the leadership of the Co-Chairs visited Tsavo For two day on an extensive fact finding tour and familiarization visit, over the 3 day visit the Technical lead team toured by air and road various zone of the Tsavo Landscape. The PS’s then guided the secretariat on the urgent deliverables that we key during a meeting with the political leadership on the Tsave Tsavo Project
During the Technical Teams briefing sessions the secretariat informed the participants on the steps that were in place and challenges they were facing the report shared was as follows
- 195,000 KM2
- 75% ASAL
- Low productivity
- Land fragmentation under dense settlements (22M people, 3M HH)
- Climate change effects (Droughts, wild fires, floods)
- Protected and gazzetted areas ((Tsavo, Amboseli, Masai Mara, )
- 65 – 75% wildlife outside gazzetted areas
- Land use changes
- Drying streams, loss of 75% of the hydrological flows
- Extensive land degradation
- Increased Poverty
- Escalating human-wildlife conflict
- Unsustainable and incompatible land use practices,
- Inadequate engagement of the communities
- Fragmented interventions
- Dwindling water resources
- Poorly planned development
The consultations this far
Meetings in 2020 & 2021
- Inaugural Breakfast meeting at the Stanley bringing key stakeholders on the save Tsavo idea was Agreed
- Set Up Multi –Sectoral Working Group
- Develop a Cab MEMO
- Plan for Field Visit
- Undertake Resource Mobilization
- Establish a Secretariat
- Sensitize area leadership (Breakfast Meeting of MPs & Counties)
- Map stakeholders
The Sankara Accord10.11.2020
(Attended by 40 participants including 16 PS’s)
- Established a national steering committee (NSC)
- Develop TORs for NSC and TOR for working groups
- Merged the Tsave Tsavo & SOKNOT initiatives
- Directed for development of Concept Note and Cab Memo
- Directed integration of restoration activities in government Ministries
- Engage United Republic of Tanzania
The secretariat Asks
- Adopt concept (costed)- This was done
- Adopt an inclusive governance structure – Reviewed accordingly
- Formalize and Strengthen the multi-sectoral secretariat (Nominations done by National entities, counties yet to do so)
- Clear facilitation for the secretariat- Inc. Retreat (Done but counties not yet)
- Resource mobilization:
- Convene Donor round table around the Concept
- Seek financing for various priorities initiatives from both government and external donors
- Engage United Republic of Tanzania
The Tsavo Meeting Resolutions & Commitments
- Finalize and cost the concept note- 3 weeks-MoEF
- Refine governance structure – 3 weeks MoEF
- Map and sensitize remaining stakeholders 2 month (ALL)
- Develop a basket of projects (4 Program)- Secretariat
- Monitor and share lessons/success stories/challenges
- Media campaign Ministry of Env. – 2 Months
- Map existing programmes
- Identify low lying fruits (Tree planting etc.)
- Work on desilting the Mwatate Dam
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