The Challenge
The Tsavo ecosystem and dispersal area(TEDA) is diversifying at an alarming rate, multiple stakeholders and have been developing and implementing multiple mitigation and or intervention within this fragile landscape. Sadly, these interventions have neither been coordinated no aligned and as a result the initiatives have produced little to no impacts with multiple duplication of efforts and loss of synergies.
The Mitigation
Tsavo Heritage proposes the creation of landscape leadership bringing all actors onto a round table to develop a joint masterplan leverage resources for a co-owned restoration Masterplan under the Government of Kenya and United Republic of Kenya with attendant policy, monitoring, reporting and
implementation frameworks.
Expected Outputs
A streamlined restoration plan leverage synergies and delivering a holistic multi-sectorial approach for the restoration of the multiple landscape zones in a holistic and sustainable model. The restoration and conservation being anchored around sustainable community livelihoods and actions.